Sunday, November 13, 2016


Smokey sky fills up the space
with orange memories from other places.
Sun abandons my earth and takes up the other's side.
I'm left to moon, speechless and starstruck.

Photo credit: Joyce Rempel, somewhere near Saskatchewan

Monday, July 4, 2016

Oh, Yes. I do.

I want to live in a world
where little things
are noticed
small victories celebrated
like what we enjoyed for supper
because I dared make something new

Where we sit on the deck
watch the clouds change
ever so slowly
jets on approach from a different trajectory
quiet sunsets

And we guess which bird
is making that call
and we don't debate
whether that's a purple
or house finch
at the feeder

I want to live in a world where
we retire graceful and grateful
to push-mower and hammock
mustang restoration and
room redecorating
as the young stressed thin
take our place at the job

Where there's always a stage
another act another song
belly laughs and road trips
Where we do things alone
because we can't miss
each other if we're never apart

Where you wink at me
in a crowd or from the 'cycle
reach for my hand
in church or over coffee
after chocolate or wine
where you hand me
a cuppa tea at day's end

I want to live in a world
with quiet sunsets
bluegrass and bonfires
your jigsaw puzzle, my poetry
lullabies and prayers
at home in your arms

Picture: Jill Hopkins

Friday, June 17, 2016

Morning Worship

Our backyard is an open aviary.

The blooms attract the bees,
the bees and the bird seed attract the birds:
finch, sparrow, chickadee, downy

and squirrels.

The feeder was full at 10 pm
and empty at 8 am.
The birds sing, chirp, squawk,

the squirrel chatters.

Some birds scratch a hole in the dirt
and grovel in it, fight over it.
Some catch moths or bees mid flight.

Sometimes the squirrel hangs
upside down by his feet
to reach the seed.

Our backyard is an open aviary,  morning worship.

Photo: Personal collection

Thursday, March 10, 2016

And A Little Child Will Lead Them

I see her in a plain red dress
not quite like little orphan Annie
because her hair is straight brown
but she takes the man’s hand

who seems to be her dad
sitting at a round table in a brown suit
from Father Knows Best
but the feeling is like home

He’s reading the newspaper
like they do in the fifties
but as soon as she grabs hold
he turns, stands and follows

where she wants him to come see
and I think that’s how it goes
when I wanna show God something
and he ooohs and ahhhs

over the tiny flower I found
or pets that puppy next door 
or we laugh together
while he fixes whatever’s

broken just like that 
he comes when I reach
or sometimes when I don’t
and I remember I’m not an orphan

Photo credit: #91173348, Standard License

Monday, January 4, 2016

The Lord's Prayer: A Paraphrase


You know the end from the beginning. 
You are perfect; complete goodness. 
I will step aside for you, 
relinquish my demand for control. 
I will do what you say, here, 
like creation does on earth 
and the angels do in heaven. 

Thank you for your promise 
to provide what I need today. 
Help me recognize it
and receive it gratefully. 

I'm so grateful for your forgiveness. 
I will pay it forward 
to those who have hurt me. 

We align with you, 
submit to you, 
honor you. 
